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Learn Fly Tying

One of the most frequent comments we hear is "I would love to learn to tie flies".

Upcoming Fly Tying Thursday Nights

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Jack Bartell -

I'm an avid fly angler and fly tier.

I enjoy tying flies designed by local friends and fly fishers for our Hill Country waters.  Even more fun, is fishing these flies in the same waters. 

Our Club sponsors the fly-tying night in Waring, TX (only a few hundred yards from the Guadalupe River).

I hope to see you there. 

Jack Bartell - THCFF Fly Tying Host

Fly Night - "Tying & Fishing"

All fly fishers of all tying skill levels (whether you regularly tie or are simply interested in the process) are encouraged to attend to learn, socialize, and meet new like-minded people. We hope to see you at the gatherings.

When: Every 3rd or 4th Thursday of each month - see web events page or newsletter for current info.


Where: Waring VFD- 11 Waring Road, Waring TX 78074 (Always park in the grass across the street, do not block the Station's EMERGENCY LANE.)

What: Fly tying night is all about fellowship, sharing ideas, and learning among friends sharing an interest in fly tying and fishing. 

5:00 PM: Prior to tying presentation, any who wish are encouraged to park at the station and meet down at the waring-welfare Guadalupe river to fish with friends. 

6:45 PM: Fly tying program starts promptly at 7:00 pm with a demonstration of the “fly of the night”.  Different flys chosen and tied by multiple different experienced tiers. Material is provided for tiers to tie the fly of the night if they wish, but all are encouraged to tie whatever they wish.

Experienced tiers will be present to teach new and more experienced tiers, or answer with any fly tying questions you may have to the best of our abilities. 

  • Simple snacks and drinks will be provided at tying night. Attendees are welcome to bring hot or cold food or drink to share.
    (Contact Jack at jack53wb@gmail.com for ideas).
  • Space will be provided, weather and light permitting, to practice or demonstrate casting. Experienced casters will gladly present to help.
  • Material, vises, tools, and material will be provided for new tiers. 

"Lunch Money" designed by Matt Bennett.

"Chingaderra" Carp fly designed by Don Anderson.

"Scrambled Eggs" designed by Rick Wilson,

  A Few Fly Tying Personalities You Should  Meet

Don Anderson - Fly Tyer and Freshwater Guide

Don Anderson is an active member of THCFF and serves as the club's Fishing Lease Manager.  Don's passion is teaching others to fly fish, fly tying, and carp fishing.

Don is a life long sportsman with most of those years fishing the Texas Hill country.  He is a professional taxidermist/artist by trade and maintains a Guide Service.

Most know Martin as the owner Country Fly Fishers Shop,  but hundreds of students can attest he is also a top notch teacher with a huge knowledge of fly tying.  If you want to get started tying flies, Martin is a great place to launch.

Martin Pursch - The "Godfather" of Hill Country Fly Fishing

Jack Gillis

Jack Gillis is a life member of FFI and the Fly Tying Group.  He holds the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards for fly tying.

Jack is the Vice President of Dallas Fly Fishers, Chair of the for Ft. Worth Fly Fishers Fly Tying Group, member of the FFI Education Committee, and a Certified Fly Fishing Instructor and Area Chief for Texas Parks & Wildlife. He's a demonstration fly tyer at such events as Oktoberfisch, Texas Fly Fest and Brew Fest, TRWD Flyfest, Sowbug, and moderates the online demonstrations for the Roadkill Roundtable.

Mailing Address

Texas Hill Country Fly Fishers
PO Box 3002
Fredericksburg, TX 78624

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Contents Property of Texas Hill Country Fly Fishers Club © 2024  -  Oktoberfisch™ 
PO Box 3002, Fredericksburg, TX  78624 - Non-profit  #26-2156811


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